I haven't posted in a while. Hopefully now that I'm out of school I can help make this more cracking. I haven't done anything major to my car except a few boring things here and there. I've just been to busy with school. Heres a few updates on what I did to my car in the past weeks:
Had my seat rails rewelded by Max at Illegal Garage (one corner was completely broken during my last event, it was really annoying), and then I painted them along with my wipers cause they were all gross (dont mind the ghetto spacers, im short):
changed out the rusted sunroof and painted the front trims as well:
what my old sunroof looked like... fuck!
Smoked the corner lights...
and finally got a clock bezel thanks to Max (off on the left, dont have a better picture)
....Yeah pretty lame updates. BUT I've been thinking about something new to my cars setup for a while so keep checking to see what will happen. Maybe in the next few months. Gotta work some stuff out and well see!
Now I'm gonna go. HAH but I'll leave with an quick video of me thanks to Wes. Back at TDC in buttonwillow..I love this, even though I suck! but I had tons of fun then. Wish there was more footage of me at the end of the day when I was getting the hang of it much more, since it was my first time on buttonwillow. Alright, hang loooseee brosss, till next time.
It's been hella long since the last update. Sorry, I have been really busy with school.
To start it off, I'm here bumming at home cause you really can't get anywhere when your debit card, Emergency credit card get demagnetized and the Bank being closed on Sundays. I feel so dumb cause I probably placed my cards back to back having the sliding slips contact each other.
Anyways, last final is on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to the summer. I'll be hitting up the track and the car is coming along. Also will hit up the water for some wake board action. Hopefully I can fine a Job when I move back to Dublin. Going back home will definitely help me save money since I'm not paying rent for a few months. This will be sweet.
As she sits.
Surprised I got her up the driveway back home sweet home. I really do miss the fam bam.
The New Wake board.
Bought back my old over-fenders from my friend Eddie. Need to fix a few cracks and it will be good to go.
Sad to see Eddie's car get parted out.
So Thunder Drift on June 6th is coming along and I'm excited.
To do list:
-Install Outer Tein tie rods and Inner S14 tie rods -Get Alignment -Install 20mm Over-fenders -Mount tires