So finally done with the semester... hello summer break! =) I was able to check out my SSR Vienna Kreis at Team 3 Wheels and they look awesome. The only thing it needs are valve stem and I must say they aren't cheap. $15/ SSR Valve stem and $6 for extension piece and $10 for shipping, which add up to $88 including tax at the end... sadlife! =( I'm going to be broke ahaha at this pace! Valve stems doesn't come in till next Wednesday which equals more waiting...ahah
I'm finally back home home for a visit for Memorial Weekend! Eating really food for once from home was delicious.
I was able to snap a few pictures of the Work LS207 on my car before they go bye bye to their new Owner from Socal!

I hope to get a new camera soon, so I can blog more.
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