Friday, June 18, 2010

One Thing Leading to Another

Nobody really started an introduction yet, so I'll go ahead and start off.

The Basics:
- Full time student (and almost graduating).
- Miata.
- Drifting/racing/autocrossing.... it's all fun to me. Except I'm pretty sure I enjoy drifting the most.
- Truth: I suck with cars. I even have trouble working on my own car, and everything that's been done since I starting driving wouldn't have been possible without all the help of friends, or paid for.

Hate me if you want.

My Story:
This car was handed down to me from my dad (thanks Dad!). It was bought brand new in 96, and it's been with the family till this day.

Then, it was officially mine after I got my license sometime in 05.

(If you don't know what it means to be truly attached to a car, I think this picture sums it up, plain and simple.)

(I used to have a tan soft-top until some thief tore it apart and broke into the car. Apologies for the lack of visibility. I guess I didn't take that many photos of the car back in the day.)

I knew absolutely nothing about cars (still don't). I just wanted to be cool like most high schoolers who were proud of being able to drive on their own (and maybe show off a little). Then, one thing leading to another, suddenly I was having conversations like "mountain driving" (or "touge"), and all this other jargon about "taking corners," "heel-toe," "late-braking," so on and so forth.

Did a lot of that shit without a clue in my mind of what I was getting myself into.

I'm EXTREMELY lucky that most of my crashes were never to the point of totaling the car. Except, one crash did significantly mess up my alignment and its adjustability. Till now, I still haven't been able to fix it.

Anyway, I'll go ahead and fast forward by letting the pictures tell most of the story.

Old Look:

Old Auto-x days:

Early Days of Drifting:

(Yeah not really here lol!)

A Newer Look:

More current drifting, with a few minor changes:

Wheels get stolen......

Yeah I'm keep this part of the story private.

The Current Look (which you've might seen in a previous post):

That pretty much wraps up my years/experiences thus far. I know I didn't go into any detail of what's been done to the car, but I'm pretty sure most people can tell from the pictures that there hasn't been much.

Oh yeah! Along the way I met John and Adrian. We party from time to time, one thing led to another (HAHA NO HOMO), and randomly decided to start a blog together on the new years eve of 2010, all while drinking some of that Jamesonnn.

Thanks for reading!

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